Moving - Liffey Van Lines Moving Company NYC Sun, 20 Feb 2022 11:44:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Moving - Liffey Van Lines 32 32 4 great tips for packing your bedroom when moving Fri, 21 Jan 2022 09:09:00 +0000 Packing your bedroom can seem a little daunting.

It is not until we have to move that we realise how much we can hide away and store in our rooms.

It can feel like packing your bedroom is a combination of living space, storage unit and office all in one.

This Liffey Moving guide to packing your bedroom should help make the process much easier for you and assist our team on moving day.

1. Declutter:

The first thing is to declutter. This is our number one recommendation for almost every room in your home.

You should start with your wardrobe as this will most likely be the bulk of your items. You can then go through your cabinets and other storage places to reduce the number of items you have to pack and move.

Divide your belongings into items to throw away, those you want to keep and those that you can donate or sell.

Try on your items to find old and worn items and those you simply do not want anymore.

Find books, old phones and lost items that are no longer of use. Aim to go with items you know for sure you no longer need or use.

Nothing is worse when packing your bedroom and then regretting throwing out items by mistake.

2. Packing items that you may need:

Try to get your packing items in order and in this way, you can discover what packing supplies you will need.

Liffey Moving can provide many of the packing supplies for packing your bedroom - get in touch with us if you need any items needed for packing your bedroom.

These items may include:

  • Packing boxes
  • Bubble wrap
  • Shrinkwrap
  • Paper packing items
  • Labels

You may also need:

  • Wrapping tape
  • Garbage bags
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Mattress covers and boxes
  • Tools for disassembling your furniture

If you are unsure of what you may need, get in touch with the Liffey Moving team and we can provide you with some pointers on what you have to do.

3. It is time to start packing your bedroom:

Start from last to first.

What we mean is pack the items you will not need immediately and work your way to the most important items. These may be your bed sheets, pillows and overnight clothes for your first night in your new home.

Take an inventory of all your items, their location and the boxes they are in. Include whose better room it is, whether they are essential, fragile or clothing etc.

This will allow our moving team to place the boxes in the right location, allowing you to unpack and sort your items in the shortest amount of time.

4. Valuable items:

Items of sentimental value or high-value items should be correctly labelled and packed accordingly. Let our team know so we can take extra care with such items.

Glassware, laptops and other fragile items can move when not packed correctly, so use the appropriate amount of wrapping paper and spacers to ensure this does not happen.

Liffey Moving and Packing your Bedrooms:

Liffey Moving will provide you with as much guidance as possible on packing your bedroom and each other room in your home.

We will then provide our professional and trustworthy moving services to your new home throughout the New York area.

Our movers can assist with furniture disassembly, loading and unloading of all your items with all the necessary paperwork and insurance details in order.

Please reach out to Liffey Moving today should you require help with your move.

We are happy to provide a cost estimate and a timeline for your packing and moving day.

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9 Handy Items Every New Home Must Have Mon, 30 Aug 2021 17:53:00 +0000 There are items every new home must have to make the move that much easier. Moving into your new home is an exciting time. When all the hard work is done and the Liffey Moving team has all your items in place, it's time to relax and enjoy a night of watching movies and having midnight snacks. But this may now be the time that your notice you are missing items every new home must have.

Small items you have probably overlooked or simply forgot to put in the right place. Liffey Moving has put together this small list of items every new home must have so you can have them in place and enjoy your first night in your new home.

Some may be obvious, and others will have been completely overlooked

9 Items every home must have

Light bulbs

Check, check and recheck that all your rooms, lamps, bedside dressers and cooker lights are working and in order. There is nothing worse than trying to navigate around a new home in the dark. Be sure to purchase a few additional bulbs for when the bulbs you have blow.


Remotes, game consoles, clocks etc all require batteries. There is a high chance, during your move that you may misplace batteries or spares so purchase new ones immediately.

That way you can play some games or watch the tv in peace on your first night in your new home. Of all the items your new home must have, ensure your children’s are nearby. It will help with the move and if it doesn’t these children’s tips will.

Welcome mat

A welcome mat is an essential item for every new home. You have two major benefits; you can keep your brand-new floor clean and dirt free and you also truly put your mark on your new home.

Throw away the overused one you have had for years and get yourself a new map for all the neighbours to see.

A few other touches may include pictures, shelving or item Wishlist items for your new home.

Coat rack

Perhaps one is already installed, but if not, get yourself a coat rack so you can place it near your front door. That way all your guests have somewhere to put their jackets and keep your rooms from getting wet. Coat racks are often overlooked but you don’t want to bring your damp clothes all through your home.

Cleaning products

One of the essential items your new home must have cleaning products is probably not on the list. Cleaning products both for your home and person are must-haves for any new home.

Put together a list of the kitchen, bathroom and general cleaning supplies to keep yourself and your home in top shape. You should be having plenty of visitors, so of course, you will want the place shining.

A toolbox

We're sure your home is in perfect condition, but it is always useful to have a toolbox around with a few essential items. Of all the items every new home must have, a simple toolbox will come in the most useful. They will come in useful both for repairs and help with putting together furniture and other items.

Bottled water

When moving into your new home it’s always a good idea to have fresh bottled water. Just enough for a few days in case, there are any issues with your water treatment and how you can use it. Someone utilities can be delayed, and these can cause many issues, by having some bottled water on hand you can ensure a nice transition.


Cables and wires for all your devices will come in handy. Ensure you have them in an easy to reach location. It's also important to have leads and extension cables in places where you need them.

A new home will take a little bit of getting used to, but at least you will have some easy ports for all your electronics.


On moving, day food is usually the last thing on your mind. That is why it’s important to have some ready-made meals for moving day. Having your microwave set up and ready to go is one sure way that you get some tasty food.

Even if it is just out of the box, get your microwave-ready and you can have a great meal while you unpack the rest of your belongings.

This list of items every new home must have is not exclusive and of course, everyone will have their take on what they need. These are what Liffey Moving have found the most useful over the years and we hope you do too.

If you found this useful and want further movings tips, read our blog.

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7 Easy Steps for a Cross-Country Move? Thu, 03 Jun 2021 16:42:00 +0000 If you are planning a cross-country move, then good for you, a new life and job must be on the horizon, or perhaps it’s time to retire to sunnier climates. Making a cross-country move from New York or any other part of the US is a big deal. There are a lot of logistics involved so it’s important to plan your move accordingly. Moving cross-country should be an enjoyable experience, but stress can get in the way and we aim to make sure that does not happen.

The fear of the unknown is a wonderful thing. Knowing exactly how to pack and where your items are going to land does not have to be part of that. That’s why Liffey Moving is here to help.

Whether it’s a valuable item or packing tips, we know what to do. Cross-country moves are something of a speciality for us, so here are a few tips to help you.

1.Lighten your load.

To make it easy on yourself and your finances you need to carry what is necessary. Long-distance moves are charged depending on the weight of your items.

The trick is to donate or sell what you do not need. Beds, clothing and miscellaneous items can always be both in your new state. Let Liffey Moving know what needs to go and we may have some suggestions for you.

Storing your items is always a great alternative and we can also help you with this.

2.Make travel arrangements.

Hire a cross-country moving company with plenty of experience. We bring decades of moving expertise and will ease the stresses associated with the process, especially a long-distance move.

Now that you know how your items are going to get there, don’t forget to plan your trip. Flying, greyhound buses or even a car should make the journey fun, even with your kids. Here are some moving tips for kids that might come in useful.

3.Know if you qualify for deductible moving expenses.

If your move is work-related, you may qualify for deductible moving expenses. Be sure to keep all your receipts. They may be what gets you a much-needed break during the tax season.

Check-in with your work and ask some colleagues if they qualified. It never hurts to save a little cash when you can.

4.Re-evaluate your budget.

The cost of living in Chicago is far better than in many neighbourhoods in New York. It’s important to check out where you are going to be living and the savings you can make.

Most people making a cross-country move are usually going to be making a saving, but that’s not always the case.

Have a look at some of our articles related to cross-country moves and the available budget options.

5.Regulations on moving items across state lines

States have different regulations. Familiarizing yourself with the laws governing moving items across state lines is important.

Guns are an example of such regulated items. However, did you know that nail polish remover, paint thinners, and fertilizer are things you need to dispose of before moving across the country?

Check-in with Liffey Moving and we will provide you with any guidance we can on items that may need to be declared that may need to be left behind.

6.Plan your pet's relocation.

How about your furry friend? You are not just going to take it to an animal shelter, are you?

To relocate with pets, you need to get all their documentation ready, including health certificates. Some states have strict policies about moving with pets and being prepared will further enhance a smooth move.

Go to your vet and ask about any medications, the safest way to transport your animal and if they have any connections in your new home should you need the services of a pet when you arrive.

7.Help your cross-country move professionals

Remember to correctly label and pack all your items so your Liffey moving team can get to work right away.

We have packed, stored and moved items of all sizes and can assist you with almost any item.

Labelling heavy and fragile goods helps us and you and we do appreciate it when everything is packed and ready to go on arrival.

Getting your cross-country move on the road in a fast and efficient time is at the heart of our service and we hope you enjoy your new home, wherever you land.

Follow our tips and we are sure you will have a stress-free cross-country move and who knows maybe one you will even enjoy.

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Simple steps to Moving a Science Lab Mon, 31 May 2021 14:24:00 +0000 Moving can be a stressful, tedious process and most have experienced it in the form of moving homes, moving cities, or changing jobs. Less have experience in relocating cumbersome science lab equipment, fragile tools, hazardous chemicals, and piles of references materials. This type of task is only familiar to those in the world of research science.

The simplest option for moving laboratory equipment is to leave it behind. In some cases, this will be mandatory as the original institution may own the tools. But, in some cases, the moving laboratory may be allowed to take things along for free or at a discounted rate. However, even when this is permitted, moving facilities may be an opportunity to upgrade equipment. If one has the chance to kickstart their work with shiny new tools, many will choose to do so.

If equipment is to be relocated, the difficulties will largely depend on the exact items in question.

Reference Material

Moving textbooks, resource guides, notebooks and journals are precisely as challenging as it is in any other situation. Boxes, strong helpers, perhaps a dolly and space in the moving vehicles are the only real considerations.

Cumbersome Equipment

When considering the size, weight, value, and fragility of some research equipment, it can be well worth the expense to hire professional lab and medical equipment movers. They exist all over the world and their expertise with proper handling and shipping techniques will help ensure that the machines reach their destination in the same condition that they left.


Items such as test tubes, beakers, scales, microscopes, computers, centrifuges, and thermal cyclers must be considered individually. Pipettes and Erlenmeyer flasks are easy to replace. That is unless they are of a specific variety that is expensive, uncommon, and essential to the work in which case they would need to be packaged in bubble wrap and moved with care. Much like travelling with any fragile item, scientists may choose to place equipment in their carry-on luggage to ensure that computers or microscopes are handled delicately.


Moving chemicals requires strict adherence to safety procedures. The move itself need not be complicated if proper preparation has been done. Experienced staff will need to inventory the chemicals. They will need to find the Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each chemical and ensure that they are properly stored for transport. They will need to check the labels, the condition of the container and of the solution. Any substances that need to be disposed of will need to follow the handling guidelines. Depending on the types and quantities of chemicals being moved, it may be as simple as boxing them up and in other cases, an environmental company will need to be hired.


Relocating animals, microbial samples, soil, and plants can be the most challenging part of a laboratory move. Failure to follow protocols may endanger or damage the specimens. Each case is entirely different, and some may be complicated, but planning will help. Talking to authorities will ensure that no one violates regulations or faces problems with the USDA.

It is important to remember that not all complications can be foreseen. Preparing, hiring professionals when needed, asking for advice, and leaving what can be replaced can all make a lab move slightly smoother.

Paige Williams is a Public Relations Specialist representing LOC Scientific. With a degree in Integrated Marketing Communication, she shares her knowledge with the readers. Can be reached at 

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Moving From New York to LA with 4 easy steps Wed, 26 May 2021 13:25:00 +0000 LA is one of the liveliest cities in the US, with about four million people. Half the size of New York City, there are few things you need to consider before moving from New York to LA.

  1. The climate changes.
  2. Tax brackets and real estate cost.
  3. Driving and traffic rules.
  4. The cost of living.
  5. Job opportunities.

When you answer these questions and still consider it the best city for you, what comes next is your decision on the ideal neighbourhood for you. Whether you choose Downtown LA, Hollywood, Silverlake, The South Bay, Beverly Hills, Echo Park, The Valley, Glendale, Culver City, or Pasadena, be sure to find a place that matches or exceeds your life in New York.

Moving from New York to LA may be one of the best decisions you ever made. So, how do you plan a move to this lucrative city of entertainment?

How to Plan a move from New York to LA

Correcting any last-minute relocation mistakes on the move from New York to LA can be expensive because you are moving cross-country. So, these simple guidelines will help you get your things together in time and make your relocation less stressful.

1.   Be Prepared

Downsize the number of your belongings because it will reduce your transportation and storage costs. Get rid of the items you don’t need for your new life in LA. You can liquidate all these items by advertising them online or through a moving sale a few weeks before you leave.

Keep in mind that you’d need to do a formal relocation notice to all your professional relations about the move well in advance. That means every significant person in your life besides your friends and family.

  • Inform your bank or creditors about the move.
  • If you’ve children, ask for school transfer letters.
  • Keep your employer in the loop.
  • Let your current landlord know about these plans, but not on the last day.
  • Update your address with the relevant authorities for your documents.
  • Arrange for a temporary storage unit in LA to hold your stuff before you settle.

Remember, if you’re not planning your move ahead of time, then you’re planning for it to fail. A move from New York to LA will take time so plan correctly.

2.   Start Packing

Hire a qualified moving firm with outstanding customer services and that can handle fragile items—if they have additional services like white glove moving, furniture assembly, carpentry, and restoration; the better. Just like here at Liffey Moving

Only work with certified and authorized moving companies. At Liffey Moving we believe in only offering our clients the best service possible. This includes the above-mentioned services and much more. Check out our tips on choosing the right moving company and you will be certain to pick us.

Most moving companies offer insurance options that protect your items against moving accidents or damages. It may take you weeks or even months of planning if you choose to execute the entire move by yourself.

3.   Consider Transportation

Driving your car from New York to LA might not be a good option due to the long-distance and challenges you might face on the route. First, it will take you several days to get to LA, and the accommodation and meal costs will make it expensive. Therefore, it would be cheaper and more convenient to ship your car and take a flight to LA.

On the other hand, driving would be easier if you either cut across the Midwest by taking the 2800-mile route or drive to Florida. Be ready for ice and snow through the mountainous region if the move is during winter.

Otherwise, if you’re not feeling adventurous, we recommend you take a short and easy flight from the airport.

If you do decide to drive there are plenty of scenic routes to take from New York to LA.

4.   Unpack Slowly and Settle

Start by unpacking your critical documents and put them in a safe place. Tip the movers if he’s a lifesaver and take some time to acquaint yourself with your new neighbours. Think about getting your California driving license and registering your car.

Familiarize with the streets and neighbourhoods by driving around and spot ideal schools, hospitals, grocery stores, supermarkets, or chills pots. Also, try to identify a fun thing you may want to try in LA.

If you plan to move from New York to LA, you can get a free quote today. You will also get all the help you need for a swift cross-country move. If something is too difficult for you, then trust the professionals.

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